Posts by category
- Demo
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- Razno
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- asterisks
- Badaboom
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- Big Things
- crossplatform incident
- Demo 21
- Dizzzruptor
- Electro Godzilla & Pink Socks
- Elysium State
- Emulate
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- ganzfeld
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- Justin Beeper
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- Last Stand
- Mescaline Synesthesia
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- Partyzanci
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- unspoken
- Very Party Demo
- We Are The 8-Bits
- Dogodki
- FB Objave
- Hardver
- Članki
- 2D and 3D Graphics Card Technology
- 35 years of personal computer market share
- A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
- A contribution to the history of computing and informatics in West Balkan countries
- Apple Has Always Been a Niche Player
- Cold War espionage paid off – until it backfired, East German spy records reveal
- Cray Supercomputer
- Discovering Eastern European PCs by hacking them. Today
- High-Speed Computers of the Soviet Union
- History of Computing Abroad
- Hladna vojna in bitka za informacijsko tehnologijo
- Home Computers Behind The Iron Curtain
- How these communist-era Apple II clones helped shape central Europe’s IT sector
- IBM fighting the Plug-Compatible Manufacturers
- IBM in sedem palčkov
- IFIP 1971 in začetki računalništva v Sloveniji
- Il y a quoi dans un Atari STE?
- Iskra Delta med vzhodom in zahodom
- Kratka istorija razvoja računara u Jugoslaviji
- Moore’s Law turns 55: Is it still relevant?
- Najboljši sovjetski računalniki
- Pregled ohranjanja računalniške dediščine v regiji
- Razvoj informacijske infrastrukture v letih 1960-1991 s primeri iz slovenske tekstilne industrije
- Secrets of Communist computing
- Seymour Cray, Father Of The Supercomputer
- The Forgotten World of Dumb Terminals
- The Lost World of Soviet PCs
- The Past and Present of Supercomputing
- The Rise And Fall And Rise Of Apple
- The Strange World of Japanese IBM PCs
- Tracing the origins of the Macintosh
- UNIVAC: the troubled life of America’s first computer
- What Happened To
- What happened to Digital Equipment Corporation
- Zgradba in delovanje mikroračunalnika
- Emulatorji
- Bashkiria-2M
- BK-0010,11M online HTML5 javascript emulator
- WinUAE
- Desktop CYBER Emulator
- DOSBox
- EightyOne
- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
- Emulators on Dreamcast
- Emulators on Switch
- Hatari
- How to write an emulator (CHIP-8 interpreter)
- JtyOne
- MiSTer
- Q-emuLator
- RetroArch Starter Guide
- RetroPie FAQ
- Snes9x
- Spletni emulator za računalnik PDP-11/70
- Stella
- STEPI – SD-Card image for Raspberry PI 400
- UAE4All2 Switch
- WebMSX
- WinSTon
- Writing an Emulator from Scratch in JavaScript (Chip-8)
- Računalniki
- A History of Atari’s 8-bit Personal Computers
- AMD – 386, Intel pa – 486SX in 586
- Amstradov (Schneiderjev) CPC 464
- AN/FSQ-7 Combat Direction Central
- Atari 800 XL, udarni model nesrečne generacije
- Bajt
- Burroughs TC 500
- CDC Cyber 70
- Computer Architecture Development: From the BESM-6 Computer to Supercomputers
- Cray-1
- Cyber 18 Computer System
- Galaksija – edini zares domači računalnik
- Greatest CPUs in Each Generation
- IBM PCjr
- IBM System 360 Principles of Operation
- Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes
- Loki, LC3 and Pandora – The great Sinclair might-have-beens
- Moj Partner
- MSX History – The Platform Microsoft Forgot
- Najhitrejši računalniki na svetu
- Orao 102 – domači mikroračunalnik
- Osborne 1
- Pregled hišnih računalnikov jugoslovanskih proizvajalcev
- Pregled računalnikov Pravetz
- Prvi domači šestnajstbitnik PMP-11
- Računalnik za devetdeseta (NeXT Steva Jobsa)
- Remington Rand Presents the UNIVAC
- Robotron KC 87
- Seznam računalnikov Amiga
- Seznam računalnikov Commodore (8-bit)
- Seznam računalnikov Sinclair
- Sinclair QL – skok s prestopom?
- Slovenijales – Color graf
- Tandy TRS-80
- The Amiga Story
- The Atari ST Story
- The Original IBM PC 5150 – The story of the world’s most influential computer
- Triglav ali trident, šestnajstbitnik s tremi srci
- UNIVAC 1232
- When the Atari ST Was the Future of Computing
- Xerox Alto
- Zuse Z3
- ZX Spectrum 48K versions and clones around the world
- ZX Spectrum story – Celebrating 35 years of the Speccy
- ZX81: Small black box of computing desire
- Razno
- 32-bitni svet devetdesetih let
- A Guide to Networking in DOS
- Add A Bit Of Soviet-Era Super-Computing To Your FPGA
- Atari ST Service Manual
- Beginners Guide to Reverse Engineering
- C64/C64C Service Manual
- Čudoviti svet dodatkov – Commodore
- Digital_Man/Digital_World
- ESP32 Basic PC With VGA Output
- Face-Off – ZX Spectrum vs. Commodore 64
- Famous Graphics Chips 3Dfx’s Voodoo
- FRI 20 – 20 let Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani
- Getting Your MIDI Hardware to Work With DOSBox
- How do Emulators work?
- Iskre v času, svetovni računalniški podvig
- Kako nastane čip
- Karabas-128
- Macintosh vs. Jackintosh
- Mali leksikon računarstva i informatike
- PARC History
- PiStorm – Keeping the Amiga alive
- Računalniška aBCDa
- Računalniški slovarček
- Republiški računski center
- Russian Sinclair Clones
- Super Nintendo – Reverse engineering & Modding
- Tabela računalnikov iz revije Bit
- Tales In Tech History: Novell
- The Advent of New Media – CD-ROM
- The Land Where the Spectrum Lived On
- The Sound Blaster Story
- The sound of SID – 35 years of chiptune’s influence on electronic music
- Turtle Beach Systems
- Upgrading an Amiga 500 for today
- What was the Y2K problem and what was the solution
- Vmesniki
- Zgodovina
- 20 Naj (Svet kompjutera, 1984-11)
- An Illustrated History of Computers
- Computer History Archives Project
- Computer History: From The Antikythera Mechanism To The Modern Era
- Computer Speed Claims 1980 to 1996
- Computing Power throughout History
- Cost of CPU Performance Through Time 1944-2003
- Gallery of Early Computers (1940s – 1960s)
- Primerjalna tabela najbolj razširjenih mikroračunalnikov
- The History of Computer Data Storage in Pictures
- The history of supercomputers
- Timeline of Computer History
- What Happened to
- Članki
- Igre
- Amiga
- Atari 8-bit
- Commodore 64
- 4D Sports Driving
- Alley Cat
- Alone in the Dark
- Another World
- Arcade Volleyball
- Betrayal at Krondor
- Budokan : The Martial Spirit
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- Castle of the Winds 2
- Civilization
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert
- Commander Keen
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Doom
- Dune 2
- Dungeon Master
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- Elvira II – The Jaws of Cerberus
- Epic Pinball
- Eye of the Beholder II
- Gold of the Americas
- Golden Axe
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- Jagged Alliance
- Jones in the Fast Lane
- King’s Bounty
- Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Mad TV
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- Might and Magic III
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- One Must Fall 2097
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- Sopwith
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- The Amazing Spider-Man
- The Games – Summer Challenge
- The Games – Winter Challenge
- The Incredible Machine
- The Secret of Monkey Island
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- Ultima Underworld – The Stygian Abyss
- Unreal Tournament
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- Warlords II
- Wing Commander
- WinRisk
- Wizardry VII – Crusaders of the Dark Savant
- Wolfenstein 3D
- World Class Leader Board Golf
- Worms
- ZX Spectrum
- Atic Atac
- Auf Wiedersehen Monty
- BC’s Quest for Tires
- Boxing Manager
- Decathlon
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- Heavy on the Magick
- Horace Goes Skiing
- Hyper Sports
- Into the Eagles Nest
- Jet Set Willy 2
- Jumping Jack
- Kokotoni Wilf
- Kontrabant (Radio študent)
- Kuhajmo
- Manic Miner
- Match Point
- Moon Cresta
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- Penetrator
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- Pyjamarama
- Saboteur 2
- Scuba Dive
- Silent Service
- Sir Fred
- Sir Lancelot
- Skool Daze
- Snookered
- Space Raiders
- Target Renegade
- Tau Ceti
- Technitian Ted
- Valley of Rains
- Video Pool
- Wheelie
- Who Dares Wins II
- ZX81
- Koda
- Razno
- 256-Color VGA Programming in C
- Abuse
- Adobe Photoshop Source Code
- Atari 2600 Programming for Newbies
- Atari Dev Studio
- Awesome-Dreamcast
- Basic Tetris HTML and JavaScript Game
- Beginning Java-Android Game Development
- bk-emulator
- Decoded: Sopwith
- Demo Effects
- demoscene-legacy
- Doom
- Early Digital Research CP/M Source Code
- Electronic Arts DeluxePaint Early Source Code
- GitHub repozitorij za stare platforme
- GUI Turbo Assembler (TASM)
- How to Write ZX Spectrum Games
- Inigo Quilez
- Izvorna koda Quake II
- Izvorna koda ZX Spectrum emulatorja Qaop na GitHub
- Jetpac Retro Remake
- JSSpeccy 3
- Klive IDE
- Let’s Make a Game
- Manic Miner – Retro!
- ManicMiner
- Michelangelo virus source code
- Microsoft MS-DOS early source code
- Microsoft Word for Windows Version 1.1a Source Code
- MS-DOS v1.25, v2.0, v4.0 Source Code
- Numen
- Pac-Man Source Code
- Pisanje programov za ZX Spectrum v Basicu
- Planet Disco Balls
- Quake III Arena Source Code
- Retro-Arcade
- Reverse Engineering The Great Escape
- Rosetta Code
- Second Reality
- Sega Dreamcast Microsoft Windows CE SDK
- Space Invaders
- SpectNet IDE
- SpectNetIDE v2
- Stella Programmer’s Guide
- The Art of Demomaking
- The classic Space Invaders game written in JavaScript
- The great demoscene sourcecode giveaway
- The polygons of Another World
- The ZX BASIC Compiler
- Titan Game Studios
- Tutorial – ZX Spectrum Machine Code Game in 30 Minutes
- vb81 – Sinclair ZX81 Emulator
- ZX Spectrum on FPGA
- ZXPP: ZX Spectrum 48k emulator
- ZX Spectrum
- ZX81
- Nekategorizirano
- Razno
- Članki
- ILLIAC Was HAL 9000’s Granddaddy
- Immortal ZX Spectrum games
- Steve Wozniak se spominja (Moj mikro, 1985-06)
- Tehnika ljudstvu
- The Apollo Missions
- The computer pioneer who built modern China
- The history of failed consoles
- The strange love-hate relationship between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
- Umrl je “anti-Steve Jobs”, oče podjetij Commodore in Atari (RTV SLO, 12.4.2012)
- Why Jack Tramiel left Commodore
- Yugoslavia grows ripe for computer boom (New Scientist, 1971)
- ZX Spectrum Game Characters
- ChatGPT – Explain me cryptography
- ChatGPT – Explain me retro computing
- ChatGPT – Explain me Turing machine
- ChatGPT – Explain me Von Neumann computer architecture
- ChatGPT – How to write an emulator for ZX Spectrum
- ChatGPT – Was dBase a good product?
- ChatGPT – What is Nyquist frequency?
- Copilot – Give me an example ZX Spectrum demo Moire effect in assembly language
- Copilot – How to make MIDI project with Arduino
- Copilot – How to write assembly code for ZX Spectrum
- Copilot – Which was better Commodore Amiga or Atari ST
- Copilot – Which was better ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64
- Describe me Shannon’s theorem
- Was WordStar a good product?
- Ostalo
- A brief history of cryptography
- A.M. Turing Award Winners by Year
- “Adaruto Sofuto”, pornografski softver
- Androidi
- Andy Warhol Digitally Paints Debbie Harry with the Amiga 1000
- Aparat TV igre “Atari”
- Bleferski vodnik po računalništvu (1)
- Bleferski vodnik po računalništvu (2)
- Bleferski vodnik po računalništvu (3)
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- Cemetery of Soviet computers
- Comdex – Bigger Than Ever (1993)
- Diskretne strukture I in II – zapiski predavanj
- Emulator epromov za spectrum
- ex-YU računalniške knjige
- ex-YU računalniške revije
- Facebook objave Pozabljenega računalnika
- Geslo : za dinar namesto za dva
- Gosub Stack (Moj mikro, 1985-09)
- Gosub Stack (Moj mikro, 1987-10)
- History of computer animation 1950’s-2010’s
- Interbiro informatika: evropski sejem z balkanskim pridihom
- Introduction to Digital Filters with Audio Applications
- Izdelava transparentov s programom Banner Mania
- Legowelt – Amiga Railroad Adventures
- Moj mikro – Vsebina letnika 1988
- Muralisti iz računalnika
- Nagradni kviz (Moj mikro, 1993-04)
- Nagradni kviz (Moj mikro 1993-06)
- Pisarniška opravila s programom Framework 3
- Prodajna razstava založbe Pasadena (nov-dec 2003)
- Programiranje v okolju Basic
- Prvih deset Mojega mikra
- Računalnik za cerkvene potrebe
- Sabre Wolf (opis Jonas Žnidaršič)
- Seznam iger od piratske skupine Automation za Atari ST
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- Soundcloud profil
- Systems ’85
- Tetris se širi kot gozdni požar
- Ultimate Play the Game
- Ustvarjanje glasbe s programom Scream Tracker 3
- Uvodnik prve številke revije Monitor (1991-10)
- Vprašanja za leto 1989
- Yugoslavian Computer Magazine Cover Girls of the 1980s-90s
- Reklame
- Amiga 500 – Računalnik leta
- Atari Stacy
- Brez programa je računalnik mrtva stvar
- Cenik programske opreme (1990-10)
- Cenik računalniške opreme (januar 1990)
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- Commodore, years ahead of the competition
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- Oracle – Relacijski sistem za upravljanje baze podatkov
- Packasoft
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- Prihodnost je že tu
- Razvojni center Celje – Poenostavite prodajo, sodelujte z nami (1988)
- S Hewlett-Packardom do uspešnega poslovanja
- Salamander PC katalog september 1995
- Satansoft
- Sharp MZ-700
- Sharp MZ-80A
- Triglav
- Unix – Ideal, ki je postal resničnost
- Vi nam program, mi vam računalnik
- Za vsak okus imamo sodoben računalnik
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- Želite moderno tehnologijo in kvaliteto po konkurenčnih cenah
- Čas dela za tiste, ki sledijo vsemu novemu
- Članki
- Softver
- Članki
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- Computing Machinery And Intelligence
- Demoscene – The Art of the Algorithms
- Early DAWs – the software that changed music production forever
- Explaining the Entombed Algorithm
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- The history of trackers
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- The Strange Birth and Long Life of Unix
- ZX Spectrum demo scena v Rusiji
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- Advanced Graphics with the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
- Advanced Sound And Graphics For The Dragon Computer
- Artificial Intelligence on the Sinclair QL – Make Your Micro Think
- Assembly Language Programming on the Sinclair QL
- Commodore za sva vremena
- Machine code for beginners
- Machine Language Programming Made Simple
- Mirko tipka na radirko
- Modern MSX BASIC Game Development
- Programming The Z80
- Sinclair ZX81 BASIC Programming
- Spectrum Machine Language For The Absolute Beginner
- Spectrumpedia
- Spektrum priručnik
- TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols, Volume 1
- The Art of Computer Programming
- The Art of Programming the 16K ZX81
- The Art of Programming the 1K ZX81
- The Commodore 64 Book – 1982 to 199x
- The Commodore 64 music book: a guide to programming music and sound
- The Sinclair ZX81 programming for real applications
- The ZX Spectrum Book – 1982 to 199x
- ZX Spectrum BASIC Programming
- ZX Spectrum – uvod u rad i programiranje
- Programi
- 77 PC programa
- Art Studio
- Atari ST essential software
- Clipper
- CP/M operating system
- dBase III
- Deluxe Paint
- Dr Halo II
- Fasttracker 2
- Full Screen Editor/Assembler
- Marijuana Mail
- Microsoft Windows 1.01
- MsxCompilerV4
- OpenMPT
- OS/2
- OS 2 Warp 3.0
- Renoise
- Run CP/M on your C64 – using Emulation
- Scream Tracker 3.21
- Software Automatic Mouth
- Steinberg Cubase 1.0.1 for Windows
- Tasword Two
- VU-3D
- VU-Calc
- VU-File
- WinWorld
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- Razno
- 15 key moments in the story of artificial intelligence
- ADF Opus
- Amiga Game Selector
- Batocera.linux
- CGA Simulators for Hercules Cards
- DreamPi
- Ekspertni sistemi za početnike
- Hacking Windows 95
- How to use an Atari ST machine as a Linux terminal
- Image Spectrumizer
- Image To ZX Spec
- Let’s Learn x86-64 Assembly
- Linux Gazette
- Mali rečnik bejzika
- NESmaker V4.5
- The History of Linux
- The Hornet Archive
- The Mod Archive
- TOSEC (The Old School Emulation Center)
- Trackers – The Sound of 16-Bit
- What is the history of artificial intelligence (AI)?
- Zakodirajmo in stisnimo
- Članki